Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT)

The route of getting addicted to drugs varies a lot and it does not really matter how a person started taking those harmful drugs. The important thing is devising mechanisms on how one could eliminate the addiction completely from that person’s life.
There is a strong need to take steps in controlling the drug usage at a mass level. In many drug addicts, it simply starts with a normal prescription of a pain killer and stress reliever which afterwards become a regular intake to reduce stress.
People are shifted from opioid medicines to heroin because it is cheap and are relatively easily available as compared to getting a prescription for these risky medicines.
There is a misconception that opioid usage can be left with taper off technique as people do with cigarette smoking. It is possible to mellow down the urge of nicotine and finally quit the addiction but in case of heroin, a person cannot do so.
In fact, the extreme urge snatches his ability to refuse such drugs. Opioids cause certain changes in the human brain which ultimately lead to the craving for these harmful substances.