Coaching Calls:  Private 1 on 1 50-minute call with Dr. Banimahd.  This is especially useful for out-of-state and out of country clients.  It is often used by people to get feedback on a host of issues ranging from substance abuse, poly-pharmacy medication management questions, concern for issues regarding loved ones and family dynamics, and many other issues.  People have found this engagement so useful that many book multiple follow-up appointments over a period or until their concern is resolved. Video calling is an option.  Please press on the link below for booking.
Executive Rehab Services: 
Our Executive Rehab Services are entirely customized to meet the logistical needs of each client. Whether you prefer the comfort of your own home, a serene retreat in beautiful Orange County, or any other setting that suits your needs, Dr. Banimahd will personally oversee and manage your care. If necessary, additional team members will be brought in based on Dr. Banimahd’s professional judgment. The cornerstone of this service is Dr. Banimahd’s constant presence and on-demand availability, ensuring perfect planning, execution, and the flexibility to adapt the care plan as needed. 
These services typically begin with a coaching call. If you decide to proceed with tailored services, the next step is a follow-up session and a comprehensive clinical assessment, leading to an immediate plan of care. Recommendations may range from 1 to 4 weeks, with continued follow-up and planning as necessary. The key element is Dr. Banimahd’s undivided attention to a single patient over a specific period, ensuring the best possible outcomes. 
Clients have utilized this service for various needs, including polypharmacy management, early sobriety support, substance withdrawal, and a range of other mental health and family issues. Dr. Banimahd’s long-term success rate is unparalleled. To get started, begin with a coaching call. 
Corporate and Organizational Services: 
Our Corporate and Organizational Services are customized to fit the specific needs of your organization. Services include educational programs focused on substance abuse, mental health, wellbeing, and more. We tailor these programs to meet the needs of your target audience, whether they are legal teams, law enforcement, plant employees, middle management, or executives. 
Legal Consulting and Expert Witness Services: 
Dr. Banimahd offers expert legal consulting and witness services, frequently utilized in family and criminal court cases. Services include expert substance abuse evaluations, recommendations, and court appearances on behalf of the client. 


    Concierge Services