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    We Can Help You With Substance Abuse

    Quality Support

    Substance Abuse & Addiction Treatment

    Our Doctors

    Depression Treatment

    24/7 Services

    Anxiety Treatment

    Caring Staff

    Urgent Care

    about us

    About Our Clinic

    There are dozens of rehab facilities and establishments in California, particularly in Orange County. But can you trust them to handle your addiction properly? If you’re uncertain and want to take the right step, contact us today.

    Substance Abuse Evaluation

    Drug and alcohol is a real problem in today’s society. According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), just in 2016, over 48.5 million Americans abuse both prescription and illegal drugs.

    Basic Urgent Care

    At Zephyr Medical Group, We provide basic urgent care resources to those in need in the Orange County, CA area.
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    Satisfied Patients
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    Infection Prevention
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    About Our Clinic

    The Most Trusted Substance Abuse Treatment & Drug Rehab Facility in Santa Ana, Orange County, CA.


    Explore our main Service

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    300+ Appointment <br> Booking Confirm for <br> this Week

    300+ Appointment
    Booking Confirm for
    this Week


    Choose today for change; we are here with you.

    "Overcoming addiction is a journey, and every journey begins with a single step. Our team of dedicated professionals is here to support and guide you through each stage of recovery. Together, we can build a brighter, healthier future."

    Personalized Treatment Plans


    Up-to-Date and Scientifically Proven Treatment Methods

    Make An Appointment

      + 1 949-347-8721
